Saturday, May 27, 2006


So London's been a bit tough so far... finding somewhere to live, a job, managing my money in the almighty (and evil when converting to it) pound... all been a bit stressful. However I've now found a house (great location, awesome room, FANTASTIC flatties), a job (start at the Home Office on Wednesday as an Acquisitions Project Librarian - should be full on but a great learning experience), and... well, the money thing is still an issue, but when I convert my new salary into dollars I feel a bit better ;-)
The new fun (is there a way to write sarcasm in computer speak?), and the reason for the title of this post, however, is that I am temporarily computer-less, having spilt tea (yes I have pretty much given up coffee - was that a mistake I wonder?) all over my bed, which then went into my wonderful lappy, which was, of course, on, and playing Southpark. So I'm now on one of my new flatmate's computer, and may not be on line much until this gets sorted out. Luckily my new house is a geek one (they shall inherit the earth, you know) so hopefully even though my wonderful brother Paul is not around to solve my every nerd need, I will have some support through this difficult computer-less time. Although I may end up with an Apple if I have to buy a new computer - it's a Mac House.
I think it's slightly ironic that it took my computer being toasted to force me to update my blog, but hopefully it won't destroy my other plans (such as making my photos available on an album), although they're all on my computer, so... Pray for Naomi's Laptop.
And feel free to keep the emails coming, just not sure how regularly I'll get to respond.
Librarian out.


Blogger Will said...

Clearly a blessing in don't know it yet but once you purchase a mac you'll be thanking that cup of tea eternally.

Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:46:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


A Mac house? I can think of nothing worse.

Get out!

Get out NOW!!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006 8:11:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Friday, July 21, 2006 1:42:00 am  
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007 6:49:00 am  

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