Celebrity Love Letters Day!
I was madly in love with Alan Alda when I was a tween and then teen. I used to tape M*A*S*H reruns every night at 6'o'clock on Channel Ten. I ended up with an entire box filled with videos, painstakingly marked in my teenie handwriting (MOSTLY UPPeRCaSe WiTH aLL LeTTeRS oF THe SaMe HeiGHT, UNLiKe THiS DeMONSTRaTiON) with the name of each episode, with little M*A*S*H asterisks between them. I kid you not, I was a librarian in the making, albeit one who was only interested in collecting the Alan*Alda*Show in a pristine ad-free condition. (You should have seen how good I got with predicting when the ad-break would end. Three-Two-One, unpause.) As far as I was (and am still) concerned, he only got better with age. From black to salt and pepper to white, that's an impressive mop at any age.
Sadly, as many fan letters as I began to pen to Mr Alda, I never actually sent - or even finished - one. I always vaguely regretted not fully capturing the intensity of my pre-teen crush on, let's face it, Hawkeye Pierce. I was strongly convinced (and am still not entirely unconvinced) that he helped save my life. Without the laughter I found every night at six, a very difficult period in my life may have become unbearable. That's what I would have said in my letter. Mind you, I probably would have also gone on about his lanky grace, his surprisingly good singing voice, his knobbly nose... *ahem*
That's why I was so charmed to find this post on one of my dailies. A sweet Swedish boy (or someone breaking English in order to appear as a sweet Swedish boy) has written a love letter to Drew Barrymore. While I can't boast to have seen 16 filmen as you with in the filmen nor am I the proud owner of 10 off the filmen have I DVD-filmen, I have admired Drew since I owned a record of her telling the story of E.T.
I screamed! Then the goblin screamed!! I'm a good screamer.
In fact, I bet there are a lot of people out there who never put into the world their Celebrity Love, or at least admiration, due to embarassment, laziness, lack of stamps (a problem I often struggle with) - whatever! But you're an adult now - get over that ridiculous embarassment, turn from laziness to solid procrastination, eschew the stamps, they're a thing of the previous millennium anyway! I encourage you to write that fan/love letter that you never did as an angst-filled tween/teen/fully grown obsessive. Write it today! Post it on your blog, or write it on a piece of paper and burn it (especially if Luke Perry's character in Jeremiah is the reason for your aDORiNG PeNMaNSHiP. In which case, you might want to investigate professional therapy, there's nothing I can do for you.) You can even send it to me and I'll post it (on my blog, not to the celebrity - what do you take me for?) for you.
So get writing. In the meantime, I'm going to see if my local video store (DVD store just sounds wrong) has Everyone Says I Love You, to get my Alan-and-Drew, Together-At-Last fix, which has the added bonus of being a musical riot for the whole family! And yes, Paul, there is a little something in it for you too.
Librarian Out.
Sadly, as many fan letters as I began to pen to Mr Alda, I never actually sent - or even finished - one. I always vaguely regretted not fully capturing the intensity of my pre-teen crush on, let's face it, Hawkeye Pierce. I was strongly convinced (and am still not entirely unconvinced) that he helped save my life. Without the laughter I found every night at six, a very difficult period in my life may have become unbearable. That's what I would have said in my letter. Mind you, I probably would have also gone on about his lanky grace, his surprisingly good singing voice, his knobbly nose... *ahem*
That's why I was so charmed to find this post on one of my dailies. A sweet Swedish boy (or someone breaking English in order to appear as a sweet Swedish boy) has written a love letter to Drew Barrymore. While I can't boast to have seen 16 filmen as you with in the filmen nor am I the proud owner of 10 off the filmen have I DVD-filmen, I have admired Drew since I owned a record of her telling the story of E.T.
I screamed! Then the goblin screamed!! I'm a good screamer.
In fact, I bet there are a lot of people out there who never put into the world their Celebrity Love, or at least admiration, due to embarassment, laziness, lack of stamps (a problem I often struggle with) - whatever! But you're an adult now - get over that ridiculous embarassment, turn from laziness to solid procrastination, eschew the stamps, they're a thing of the previous millennium anyway! I encourage you to write that fan/love letter that you never did as an angst-filled tween/teen/fully grown obsessive. Write it today! Post it on your blog, or write it on a piece of paper and burn it (especially if Luke Perry's character in Jeremiah is the reason for your aDORiNG PeNMaNSHiP. In which case, you might want to investigate professional therapy, there's nothing I can do for you.) You can even send it to me and I'll post it (on my blog, not to the celebrity - what do you take me for?) for you.
So get writing. In the meantime, I'm going to see if my local video store (DVD store just sounds wrong) has Everyone Says I Love You, to get my Alan-and-Drew, Together-At-Last fix, which has the added bonus of being a musical riot for the whole family! And yes, Paul, there is a little something in it for you too.
Librarian Out.
I loved that set of M*A*S*H tapes you made. Some of the later ones were maintained by me, and they were inferior by your labeling standards(yet my pausing was spot on). I never did understand why you unpaused on the Northern Exposure ads though - that dated so quickly. So you'd get to the end of a a dramatic session in O.R., and then JUMP CUT to "at'a laaaaaast *dum duum deeee dummmm* my looooourve has come'a looooong; *deee dumm dee dummmm* myyyy lonely daays... are oooovvverrrrrrr... and it's now time to unpausssseeee.... oh wait you're recording this for some reason....". You also recorded the ads for The Heights (somehow I remember the name of this show) - the song was that "How do you talk to an Angel?" one.
I remember writing a letter to some hot chick from one of those teeny american shows, and mum had advised me to write what was true. So I did - i wrote that she gave me erections. Luckily mum proof read it and told me not to send it. Ahh, censored at age 10.
M*A*S*H! It's still great, actually even better because I understand the importance of how the comedy in coping with the war.
In my teenage years I was in love with Radar, he was just too cute. However, I've surcummed to the charm of Alan Alda.
I do remember having a crush on Jason Priestly (mmmm) and Todd on Neighbours (recently rescreened, I couldn't believe that it looked 13! I thought he was so old and mature!).
I was never so enamoured with anyone that I wanted to write to them. I did at one stage have some 90210 posters up, but that passed quickly.
Current crushes? Hmmm, I'll have to think about that....
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